David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting


From: David Altshuler, M.S. <[email protected]> Subject: Loser! 305 Preheader: Reply: [email protected] Loser! Cam Newton may be the most recent to suggest that “there’s no such thing as a good loser–only a loser,” but he certainly did not invent the concept. Racecar driver, Dale Earnhardt said, “Second place is just the

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Most Famous Fictional Character

What do Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert Downey, Jr., and Basil Rathbone have in common? Tough question, don’t you agree? The following information may not make the answer any more apparent: Michael Caine, Peter O’Toole, and Charlton Heston (of all people) have all done the same thing. As have Leonard Nimoy, Larry

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Come And Get It!

Remember in college when four CBS blocks and two six-foot boards constituted a functional bookshelf? Two battered pots-one for simmering tomato sauce, one for making spaghetti-constituted cookware. Somebody brought salad, somebody else brought garlic bread and-voila!-let’s eat. Clean up involved five minutes of scrubbing and two trips to the dumpster

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What are the Odds?

When a slot machine pays out ten thousand dollars, sirens blare, lights flash, and young women in bathing suits crowd around to help pick up the explosion of spewing quarters. The joyful winner bathes in admiration and coins up to his ankles as joyful music plays and the crowd cheers.

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Homework: Threat or Menace?

Even Isaac Newton, reputed to be a bright boy by any measure, believed in the transmutation of elements. Turn lead into gold? Sure, why not? Lead into gold. How hard could it be? Turns out the process of switching from this element to that element involves the number of protons

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Letting Go

Look, if there was any chance that you actually could effect positive change by micromanaging your child, then I wouldn’t say a word against your way of doing things. Honest.  If, by swooping in, you could help your daughter in any way, I’d give you the thumbs up and leave

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Night Sacrifice

By the time I met Louise 20 years ago, her children were grown and gone, but I got to know her pretty well toward the end of her life. We agreed that it was tough to grow vegetables in the rocky soil of our neighborhood. We agreed that folks drove

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Teacher’s Lament

Teachers from across the country appeared to me last night in a dream. With one voice they spoke: “Here’s why teachers feel that we can’t tell parents the truth about their children.” “Because the parents aren’t nice to us never mind respectful.They treat us like coke machines. When they see

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Achievement and Contentment

A loving mother joined our running group a year ago. Alexa only wants what is best for her children, aged three, five, and seven. “My oldest is brilliant and accomplished,” she began as we headed out into the early morning mist. “He excels at everything.” The older members of our

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Jefferson on Education

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. That’s as may be, but the issue of who gets educated where remains unresolved 200 years after Jefferson wrote about our fledgling democracy. It is not news that those

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]