David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Clothes the File

Once upon a time there lived a vain parent whose only worry in life was to convince her neighbors how clever her son was. Every hour she would regale anyone who would listen regarding her son’s accomplishments in the classroom and on the athletic field. Word of this parent’s vanity

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Here, There, and Everywhere

That there are drugs of all kinds at schools of every kind is not news. By the measure of “opportunities to do drugs” there are no more “good schools” in 2017. None. Two generations ago, it may have been possible to avoid the drug culture in some communities by sending

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Goes without Saying

The Sami People of Northern Norway have hundreds of distinct words for reindeer. These words can refer to a reindeer’s fitness, personality, or the shape of its antlers according to David Robson. (Click here for the original article.) People who live where reindeer are important have lots of words for

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Mom: Have you graded the home works yet? Teacher at School Whose Name you Would Likely Recognize: The homework that was turned in today? Mom: Yes. The homework on two-digit subtraction. Problem number seven was 83-29. Have you graded it yet? Teacher at School Whose Name you Would Likely Recognize:

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Wants Versus Needs

You might not think so, but babies have a job. A baby’s job is to communicate her every want and need. As a parent, you have a job too. Your job is to fulfill every one of your baby’s wants and needs. That’s it. We’re done here. Thanks for reading.

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Bed Dog

Even the most cursory reader of these Tuesday musings will admit that this author does not shy away from even the most controversial topics: Should parents do homework for their children? Should parents smoke marijuana with their children? Should parents work nine days a week and pay someone else to

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Fight! Fight! Fight?

Pretty much nobody gets enthusiastic about receiving the monthly electric bill. But pretty much nobody becomes apoplectic, tearing their hair, writing letters, disputing the charges, or refusing to pay either. The monthly bill from the electric company is an annoyance. “Maybe the fridge is too cold” is about as involved

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Write On!

I have written 350 of these essays. If the crik don’t rise, I intend to write 350 more. If you have been gracious enough to read a few of these blogs, you are entitled to ask why. Why do spend three hours one early morning each week forcing these electrons

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Screaming at my daughter like a psychotic lunatic the other day, I took a step back to reflect on what it is that I do for a living. The short version of my job description might include the phrase “discouraging parents from screaming at their daughters like psychotic lunatics.” The

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Stray Dog

So much of parenting has to do with compliance that it can be hard to keep our eyes on the prize: the relationship between you and your child. “Brush your teeth; clean your room; do your homework” is just the beginning. There are more essential imperatives. “Learn to swim; don’t

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]