David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Eight-Year-Old World

Having run out of eight-year-olds with whom we have DNA in common, we took the next logical step of importing eight-year-olds belonging to other folks. Our usual kids are grown and gone. So borrowing an eight-year-old or two seemed a reasonable step. Said eight-year-olds apparently belong to friends of my

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Mom, Stop!

Having decided some time ago that I would rather be happy than right, I make it a point to walk away from a myriad of potential kerfuffles. Especially with my wife. No pointless arguments for me, thank you very much. Staying married is my priority; happy wife, happy life. Just

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One of my running buddies also has the pleasure of living with a precocious seven-year-old. Liam is articulate, innovative, and unapologetic about his disdain for addition. Specifically, Liam does not care for addition worksheets. He does not like pages of problems like 89 + 27. Last year he did not

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Same Data, Wrong Conclusions

A buddy of mine describes two situations with his adolescent daughters. 1) Parties I walk in to social events with my girls. I don’t leave until I make sure that the get-togethers are properly supervised. If the parents aren’t home, my girls and I get back in the car. My

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The 2000-year-old Man

Rob Reiner and Mel Brooks are at a party in the 50s. They are doing schtick. They are always doing schtick. Rob and Mel would fit in with my running group. Except that they are actually funny. Apropos of nothing Rob Reiner starts asking questions. Mel Brooks responds as the

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How does he know he’s gay? He never dated any girls in high school. Hmm. Maybe the reason he never dated any girls in high school is because he’s gay. Imagine spending your whole life pretending to be that which you are not. It’s the same for cognitive ability. Envision

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The Irreducible Needs of Children

Okay so the following story may not show me in the best possible light: Some years ago, I heard on the radio that T. Berry Brazelton had a new book. The Irreducible Needs of Children had just been published! Everybody knows and respects Dr. Terry, I said to myself. He

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Running on Empty

We are getting slower. When we started running together in the early 80s, we could run forever. It seemed like each mile was at the same glorious, effortless pace. We even had a name for it: when we were in the heart of marathon training, we would talk about our

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Sea Change

The second book of the Bible can be summarized by the word “go!” If there had been enough time to use a second word, the recap could be extended to “go now!” Folks throughput history have done well to attend to this succinct message: Cuba, 1959; Munich, 1932; Cambodia, 1970

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Run On

Kim is marginally faster than I. Jim is a tad slower. Tim and I train at the same pace. No, this is not one of those annoying aptitude test questions (If Tim is faster than Jim but slower than Kim and a train leaves Philadelphia at 10:00 am…) Nor is

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]