David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

This Story Shall the Good Man Teach his Son…

My dad was stationed in Texas. He didn’t talk a great deal about his experiences, but I was able to discern this much: 1) Texas in 1944 was hot. The only air conditioner on the base was in the officer’s club. My dad was not an officer. 2) Soldiers were

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Uncomfortably Numb

That men of a certain age require occasional unsavory medical procedures is old news. Old news for men of a certain age certainly. “Let me tell you about my operation” is anathema for good reason. Operations are similar to digestive systems. Everybody has one; nobody wants to hear about yours.

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The Far-away Island of Sala-ma-Sond

Everything I know about business can be written on the back of a postage stamp with a shaving brush. It would be difficult to exaggerate my ignorance of all matters financial. I’m an educator. To me “deficits” are cognitive, not measured in billions of dollars. My insights into taxes are comprised

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What Else Do You Need to Know?

The people who design video games don’t allow their children to play them.  What else do you need to know? Thanks for reading. We’re done here. Move along. Come back next Tuesday.  Pretty bright folks, game designers. Multi-million dollar salaries. Multi-billion dollar companies. Only the best are hired: sophisticated programmers,

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It’s All Downhill

That humans live in clumps is not news. We are a social species. “Tribal” has a negative connotation, “community” a positive one. Guilds, artists collectives, professional organizations, alumni associations—all are aggregations of folks sharing a common interest or experience. Church picnics are about more than potato salad; effective development offices

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Two Wolves, Two-Hundred Books

My erudite readers may be familiar with this Cherokee parable: An elder Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret,

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Movie Sex

FADE IN ON:   A SUBURBAN BEDROOM, MORNING. Modern furniture. A man’s and a woman’s clothing are strewn about the floor. Pillows are scattered everywhere. Sunlight streams through lacy curtains.   CUT TO:   THE WOMAN (Not shy at all) Good morning.   THE MAN (Not sleepy at all) Good

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What a Baby!

The old joke, equal parts sexist and offensive goes something like this: “My wife fantasizes about two men.” “Your wife fantasizes about two men?” “Yes. One to cook, one to clean.” The reality of course is that few women have two men with whom to kanoodle never mind two men

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Won’t Back Down

Our experience is replete with examples of both backbone and inflexibility. Intransigence inevitably has a positive connotation in our culture. Stand up for what you believe. Do not take a step backward. Live free or die. The American Revolution was not won by ambivalent soldiers: “Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe taxation

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When Will They Ever Learn?

An accomplished professor of art history teaches an introductory undergraduate course. He has recently published his third scholarly article on Byzantine architecture. His textbook on the subject is ahead of schedule. Yet he spends the majority of his 50-minute lecture brutalizing his students about their poor exam results. “How are

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]