David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Equivalent Statements

  The author assumes full responsibility for this newsletter containing explicit language which may be inappropriate for some readers, offensive to others.  . Where do all the “f+ck you mom, it’s all your fault, you f+cking bitch, I hope you die” kids come from? There certainly are a lot of

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Safe at Home

After 300 college visits over the past several decades, perhaps I can be forgiven for skipping out on the information session and taking a personal tour. I have heard “take the most academically rigorous courses your high school has to offer” enough times to believe that it’s true. I have

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On a cool South Florida night in 1968, my buddies Alan and Elliot appropriated a dozen eggs from Alan’s refrigerator and positioned themselves in a thick hedge near an overpass on Miami Beach. Before the first gooey projectile had been lobbed, flashing lights appeared. The 12-year-olds were taken into custody

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At a recent conference in New Orleans I had the mixed pleasure of reconnecting with an old college friend who had apparently never heard of “never mix, never worry.” I learned from colleagues that Stacie had started with Kahlua and coffee at lunch and had slurped an entire bottle of

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Child for Sale

A twenty-five dollar gift certificate, a $2.95 card that reads, “Welcome to the family,” and a 47-cent stamp can undo a year of misunderstanding. Total expenditure: $29.42. Not a bad price to pay for an adult child if you think about it. I know folks who routinely pay $29.42 for

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Early Decision

For some time now, I have been trying to figure out why people stop me on the street to tell me that their children have been admitted to highly selective colleges. Yes, I have been an independent college admissions counselor for 30-something years. But no, I don’t have a neon

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Warning: This newsletter contains adult content and may be inappropriate for some readers, offensive to others. A more insightful author than I pointed out recently that the ten billion dollar pornography industry in this country is not comprised of ten perverts each spending a billion dollars. Take it to the

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Dog Days

As long suffering readers of these Tuesday musings will allow, nothing gives me greater pleasure than my morning perambulations with my 35-pound outrageous ball of fluff terrier mix. Langley never met a stranger. He unabashedly engages with any and every dog he chances upon.  His entire quivering body exudes, “Wanna

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Literate Pretzel

1) James won his age group in a small local race recently. He ran 10 kilometers in 50 minutes. How great is that? Of course, many of the more talented runners were contesting other distances–half and full marathons–so the competition was modest. Just the same, James won in the 60-64

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As it turns out, I’m right. For a little while I thought you might be somewhat right or at least a little bit right. But as it turns out you were thoroughly wrong, 100%. I thought there might be a reason to listen to your point of view, take into

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]