David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting


Who wants to feel useless? Answer: Nobody. Not even your children. Especially not your children. Kids want to help out. Kids even want to do dishes. Doing dishes makes them feel like the are part of something, that they are not isolated and alone, that they have a part to

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Sun Rise

“Yesterday, I saw the sun rise and the sun set from the same chair.” As the risk of missing the point, I replied, “Must be quite a chair.” “Yeah well, everybody studies hard,” Chad went on. “It’s not competitive necessarily. It’s just that the tests are fairly thorough.” “Thorough,” I

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Sex Test

a) Sex is a sacred procreative rite between a man and a woman, subsequent to their sanctified marriage: one life, one partner. b) Sex is a gift determined by an individual and her circumstances. She can do with her body what she wants with whomever she likes as long as

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Hard Choices

A buddy of mine worked for the Public Defender’s Office for a few years before determining that he would prefer a legal career with sufficient pecuniary compensation to allow him to live indoors. Jimmy is now in private practice as a criminal defense attorney. He still feels good about the

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Say Cheese

A buddy of mine measures his success by the number of his employees who have become millionaires. Can you imagine? He’s not bragging. He’s not taking credit. He’s just an accomplished businessman who gets joy knowing how many of his current or previous employees have a million dollars. I don’t

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Opportunity Knocked

As regular readers of this column will acknowledge, I thrive on being read, on getting my message out there. I appreciate every response to my weekly columns. Conversation, even controversy, is what this community of writers and readers is all about. I welcome and enjoy your reactions. I appreciate the

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1) How does John know he’s gay? He didn’t date any girls in high school. Maybe the REASON he didn’t date any girls in high school is BECAUSE he’s gay. JOHN knows he’s gay. All his friends know he’s gay. His parents are the only one who somehow didn’t notice.

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Support for FGN

Your relationship with your child is the smallest unit of community. Your relationship with your child is the smallest building block of culture. Your relationship with your child is what defines your family. Home may be the place where, “when you have to go there, they have to take you

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How Much is that Doobie in the Window?

Kids for whom drug use is teetering between “something bad is going to happen” and “something bad is going to happen maybe this afternoon” are frequently asked, “What is smoking pot worth to you?” Nobody has occasion to interrogate a neurosurgeon who has an occasional puff of marijuana on Saturday

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Much Happiness!

Given how busy everyone is lately I thought I might take the liberty of writing a couple of speeches for you. I know it may seem like the wedding of your son is some years away, but tempus seems to keep on fugit-ing, whatever that means, so let’s not wait

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]