David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Honor Off

Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you are remarked Thomas Carlyle. We don’t pressure our children suggest parents 150 years later. Yet breakfasting with my running buddies recently, I wondered if these two statements might impinge on one another. After our seven-mile

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To be fair, I have not read More. I did read several paragraphs of a review though. Here is my understanding: a couple is dissatisfied with their marriage. So in addition to chatting with a counselor, they engage in ethical polyamory. Having additional intimate partners who are also grouchy with

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In this corner… in the blue trunks, just back from a six-month stint in a third-world country digging irrigation ditches and setting up micro-loans for a women’s sewing cooperative, Ms. Attitude-of-Gratitude! This competitor drives her younger siblings to school, mows the lawn without being reminded, takes grandma food shopping every

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Promises, Promises

What promises—expressed and implied—have you made to your children? Have you suggested that as adults they will live in a house bigger than the one in which they currently reside? Have you communicated that they will eventually earn more money than you? Did you tell them that they would go

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What are the Odds?

I bought a lottery ticket yesterday. I know. I know. I was a math teacher. I know better. I get it. The odds of winning the hundreds of millions of dollars are effectively zero. I understand the expected value theorem. And I know that games of chance are attacks on

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Super Model

Back 40 years ago when I started doing this work and was convinced I knew everything, I would offer parenting advice–typically of the unsolicited variety: “treat your kids like adults;” “treat your kids like children;” “pay attention when they fuss;” “ignore their tantrums,” I should have been taken out behind

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Mommy, Mommy!

I am not proud that I remember the following unfortunate jokes from junior high. Nor am I gratified to admit that I found them amusing 50-something years ago. “Mommy, mommy, I don’t want to go to Europe!” “Shut up and keep swimming!” But when I hear of families who communicate

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Order Up

Gotta pay dues if you want to sing the blues suggested Ringo. And while I am hesitant to argue with one of the Fab Four, I have to imagine that there may be some blues singers somewhere who had a cushy go of it. Similarly, what about subtraction. It certainly

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Teddy and Henry

It was Teddy Roosevelt of all people who first pointed out that comparison is the thief of joy. Henry VIII didn’t get that memo, having joined five of his six wives in the great beyond some hundreds of years before the Bull Moose Party. I didn’t knew Henry personally, but

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Joan Benoit

Okay, I admit it. My admiration for Joan Benoit is a little over the top. To be clear, Joanie has nothing to fear from me. I have never sent her a fawning text and have only seen her in person twice–in Los Angeles at the 1984 Olympics where she seemed

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]