David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: College Admissions


I adore my wife. Let’s be clear up front. This is not one of those “my wife doesn’t understand me” clichés more appropriate to a lower class of fiction. My blog is not a dating website. My wife is awesome. All that said, Patti and I did stay at an

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Parenting Quiz

Which specific offenses were committed and by whom is lost—mercifully—in the mists of time. Doubtless some egregious transgression involving a lunch check or a pitiless misunderstanding over a meeting time were involved. Suffice it to say that Mrs. Amber Bamberger hasn’t seen or spoken to her daughter, Bambi Bamberger, in

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Du Bist Ein Dummer Hund

Scholars disagree as to whether or not Polonius is a pretentious boor. His advice to his son, Laertes, strikes me as fairly cogent, I have to say. “Give all men they ear, few thy voice.” Makes sense. What is not in dispute is that Laertes has heard it all before.

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Awesome children! Guaranteed!

What if there were one simple solution to all of your parenting problems? What if there were one guaranteed, money back, straightforward, infallible answer? What if by following an effortless formula, you were assured of being happy with your children and your children were guaranteed to be successful, top of

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Collateral Damage

I thought I had written enough about the Varsity Blues scandal. I expressed outrage here and sarcasm here. The whole affair sickened me and I was sick of writing about it. Douglas Hodge, the CEO of PIMCO plead guilty. Felicity Huffman is spending two weeks in prison. Agustin Huneeus got

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There’s this guy at the gym always giving advice. “Keep your back straight,” “you’re lifting too much weight,” “keep your arms parallel to the floor.” Without introduction, without invitation, he has guidance for newbies and veterans alike. Is he willing do demonstrate a technique? You betcha. Does he have some

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I’m fine. It turns out there is nothing wrong with my heart. Indeed, thanks to the excellent health care that my privilege provides, I know for a fact that my heart is in good shape. I have unfettered access to an awesome doctor. I can call Robbie on a Sunday

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Let’s consider a select half dozen of the fifty greatest movie quotes of all time. 1. Jimmy Cagney in White Heat, 1949: “Made it, Ma! Top of the world!” A gangster’s fury has led him to his last stand by an enormous vat of flammable liquid. He is hopelessly outnumbered

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Barriers to Service

Hoping to consult about a mutual client, I called the office manager of the psychiatrist. “Thank you for taking my call,” I began. “My name is David Altshuler. Dr. Schmeckleferritz and I have a patient in common. When might it be convenient for the doctor and me to consult?” “Dr.

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Safety First

Maria Montessori’s “follow the child” precept was especially cogent when parents knew where the child could reasonably be expected to be. Physically and intellectually, the world was a known, if not perfectly safe place. Parents staggered after toddlers as they waddled. If kids fell backwards on their padded bottoms, we

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]