David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: College Admissions

Dog Talk

I could not help but overhear one of my neighbors having a lengthy dispensation with their 40-pound, brown, boxer mix: “We’ve spoken about this before, Ignatius,” she began. “How many times do I have to tell you not to pull so hard on your leash? You know I hurt my

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Read Any Good Books Lately?

“I wasn’t sure what book you might prefer so I picked a book I was certain I had enjoyed” suggested my high school English teacher who has been blessed with the exquisite task of describing an enticing read to the 11th graders. For younger participants of this blog, I hasten

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What Are You Saying?

A high school senior is explaining to her father where she intends to apply to college, how she is refining her search criteria. The student feels strongly that under no circumstances will she apply to Arizona State University. At 65,492 undergraduate students ASU is waaay too big, she says. A

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Math Wrath

The following inept advice from a math tutor may be instructive, leading us to consider a broader category of ham-fisted guidance. The only necessary back story is that “Robin,” a junior in high school, is in the process of choosing and applying to college when they are not receiving lessons

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Privacy Piracy

What do you want me to say when you ask where my kid is applying to college? When you tell me which applications your child is filling out what are you looking for in my response? “One of the saddest consequences of social comparison is how bad we distance ourselves

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Recently, I joined an expedition to hunt enormous cetaceans. Then I secretly impregnated a member of my congregation before tricking my friends into painting a fence. It’s been a busy week. Oh, wait. I did none of those things. Boats, never mind whaling ships, make me seasick. I am not

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Unreal Estate

The other day some famous people bought a $190 million house. Not being up-to-date on the California real estate market, I am in no position to suggest what homes might have been available in the $180 million range. And don’t even get me started on what kind of ramshackle dwelling

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Grade A

What are you reading that isn’t assigned? What is your favorite class? Who is your most inspiring teacher? What are your interests and passions outside of school? As you might imagine, the modal answer is, “I have never read a book that wasn’t assigned.” Which I certainly understand. I don’t

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Duke University

One of my old students has a passion for Duke University. Both his mother and his uncle were Duke University graduates. The student and his grandfather had watched Duke University basketball games, cheering for generations of talented players.  The student performed well academically in high school and applied to Duke

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There’s a difference between enlisting in the arms services and being drafted; there’s a distinction between a march and a hike; there’s a terrible discrepancy between consent and not. There’s a divergence between how divorcing parents determine where the minor child attends third grade. Divorcing moms or dads or their

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]