David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Eyes on the Prize

In 1962, James Meredith became the first Black man to attend the University of Mississippi. Just prior to Mr. Meredith’s enrollment, the Governor of Mississippi, Ross Barnett, tried to convince the president of the United States that Meredith should not be allowed to matriculate. The governor, representing the opinion of

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Pay Me Now Or Pay Me Later

The son of a farmer has done a service–saving the kingdom from invaders, perhaps, or slaying a particularly recalcitrant dragon–and the king is grateful. The king insists that, as repayment for his heroic deed, the farmer’s son accept a gift, any gift he desires. Gold, jewels, land, wealth beyond imagining

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It’s the Relationship, Stupid!

An attractive 30-something bank employee approached me as I stood in line at the teller window yesterday. “Interest rates have never been lower,” she began without preamble. As our previous interactions had never exceeded conversations of the “Nice day” variety, I was intrigued by her wide-eyed enthusiasm. “There has never

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One of my ultra-marathon buddies said: “I’ve always believed that I can win any race if the event is long enough. I’m never going to be the fastest and I’m never going to be the strongest, but I believe I can keep putting one foot in front of the other

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I Read the News Today

Should your adolescent children be encouraged to watch the news on television? Before reminding me that “an informed populace is the hallmark of a strong democracy” think about what you, an adult, get from televised news. Do you acquire information unobtainable elsewhere? Do you learn what is going on in

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The Harry Harlow School of Parenting

Old School: Take your kids to the market to buy brownie mix. Consider whether the 15-ounce package for two dollars is a better value than the 30-ounce package for $3.59. Politely greet the cashier in the checkout line and introduce your child. Emphasize addressing the cashier as “Miss.” Demonstrate that

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“Good Morning!” “Hey, Stupid!” “I Love You!”

Any communication can be misinterpreted. Even the simplest of greetings can be processed in multiple ways. “Good morning” can be non-committal, inviting, or threatening. “Good morning” can be heard as an invitation to conversation or as a dismissive end to one. For an example of the contemptuous salutation look no

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Do Your Job Right and You’re Unemployed

“I knew a father who had a son, He longed to tell him all the reasons for the things he’d done. He came a long way, just to explain. He kissed his boy as he lay sleeping then he turned around and headed home again.” – Paul Simon, “Slip Slidin’

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Stop Me if You’ve Heard this One

Sparks and smoke billow unabashedly from a dozen places in a 18-ton machine covering 4000 square feet of a factory floor. Gears whine pointlessly as 30 men stand uselessly at their positions along the unmoving conveyor belt. Dozens of trucks are lined up outside, filled with raw materials to be

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Trick Question

Which of the following first person stories seems more plausible? 1) “There were these two sets of double doors between the dining room and the kitchen. I carried trays stacked high with the leftover food from the plates of the patrons. On the way to hand the trays to the

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]