David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

It’s About Time

Gathering at the hearth predates the Internet by 800,000 years. Gathering at the hearth predates communicating with symbols by 550,000 years. Gathering at the hearth predates an evolutionary adaptive increase in brain size by 300,000 years. Before you were you, before your ancestors had evolved into a species that could

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Let Me Not Always See the Same Hands

Would you sell your 14 year-old daughter to marauders for $20 so you could score some drugs to support your careening habit? Of course not. Your child is less likely to be accepted to law school never mind live a contented life if she is employed as a forced sex

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So, It Has Come to This

Theresa ‘s 11th grade transcript was admirable: Advanced Placement courses in chemistry, American History, and English each with a grade of A. Her SATs were strong, her ACTs even stronger. Although she was uncomfortable about her extra-curriculars–endless hours volunteering as a math tutor–I was able to reassure her that even

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Could It Be This Simple?

A number of my gentle readers* have inquired regarding my modeling advice. Not “Wear nice clothes to the audition,” modeling. Parents want to know how to combat the snares of process addictions. They want to know how to help their kids love reading (could it be as simple as just

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What’s in the Label?

Standing around the kitchen of a buddy of mine who had recently received a $350,000 MacArthur Genius Grant for his lifetime achievements in the field of poetry, it occurred to the few remaining guests that there are only so many ways to say “congratulations” and even fewer ways to say

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Cui Bono

No, not Sonny and Cher’s lesser known relative. Cui Bono is Latin for “who benefits?” Whose interests are served? Throughout your children’s development, keeping this query uppermost in your mind in your every interaction with them will make your kids more likely to grow up to be content, fulfilled, and

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Control Leak

I don’t know what happened on December 6, 1941. I don’t know what led up to all that unpleasantness between the Hatfields and the McCoys. I don’t even want to think about what happened between you and your ex in the years leading up to the dissolution of your marriage.

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My family and I enjoyed hosting Cornelius, a 15 year-old exchange student from Northern France, once we got over our nagging concern that we did indeed have the right child from the right country. “They all speak English fluently,” my thoughtful wife was told at the orientation meeting at the

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Match Game

I don’t want to give too many details. I’m not saying this is a good idea what I did, only that it can happen. I know it can happen and how it happened because I did it. I’m not saying that I would want anyone to follow this exact path

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The Muck Stops Here

Remember reading about those brutally mistreated Chinese girls of not so many generations ago whose feet were bound with strong straps? For reasons that may not even have been clear at the time, fathers felt that petite feet were attractive or indicative of a social class where the girls didn’t

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]