David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Oh, You Shouldn’t Have.

No list of “The Greatest Movies of All Time” is complete without including Orson Wells’s 1940 tour de force, “Citizen Kane.” The following dialog seems to predict conversations in my office 71 years after the film was produced: KANE As far as you’re concerned, Susan, I’ve never wanted anything –

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The Gifts We Have

Does your daughter know how to change the oil in her car? Does your son know how to speak another language? We spend time focusing on the academic profiles of our kids. My daughter has an ‘A’ in Algebra II; my son is in the top ten percent of his

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The Only Game in Town

I asked a buddy of mine recently if he would join me in making a donation at the blood bank. He responded emphatically in the negative: “Why would you make a contribution to a corporation?” He began. “You’re supporting a CEO who wastes money left and right. The head of

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Albert! Put Down that Violin!

Deborah, a gifted attorney, effortlessly writes brilliant, air tight, appellate briefs. But ask her to speak in front of people in or out of the courtroom and she’s so nervous that she can’t sleep for days beforehand and wants to take Valium. Anthony, a surgeon, was picked last for team

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Wanna Bet?

Which of the following responses seems more likely? 1) “OK, mom. I’ll turn off ‘Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Blood, Blood, Blood, Kill, Kill, Kill.’ Gosh, have I been playing for 20 minutes already? I want to practice my bassoon then I want to get ahead on my school work for next

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Wake up! It’s Time for Your Sleeping Pill!

Sam and Susie meet every day at noon at their brightly lit, air conditioned gym. While walking on adjacent treadmills, they pass a bottle of designer water back and forth, chatting amicably about their families or events of the day. Sometimes they’ll watch a favorite show on one of the

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Advice Needed

A father and his son are preparing in the pre-dawn hours to travel to the market town, a full day’s journey away through neighboring villages, across rolling hills and valleys. As the father finishes loading their donkey with the provisions needed for the day, he tells his son to get

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Where are the Sober Kids?

“Kayla” could hardly be described as a “bad” kid. Yes, she has shown poor judgment on a number of recent occasions. Yes, she skipped school and brought five of her friends home to drink beer in the middle of the day. Yes, her grades are below her ability and her

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]