David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Who’s Who?

My son, Leon, is oppositional and defiant. I have the evaluation from the psychologist who wrote up what I told her. I’m starting to think he’s definitely bi-polar. At the very least, he’s seriously attention deficit. Every homework assignment brings on the third world war. Every single day. He refuses

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Tarzan and Me

Tenderly Kala nursed her little waif, wondering silently why it did not gain strength and agility as did the little apes of other mothers. It was nearly a year from the time the little fellow came into her possession before he would walk alone, and as for climbing—my but how

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Don’t Teach Your Spouse to Drive

My orthodontist is a genius. There’s no other word for it. He’s also a decent and compassionate man. He not only has a successful private practice, he teaches other orthodontists advanced techniques. Some years ago, before we met Steve, I took my daughter to another orthodontist who basically recommended that

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Reciprocal, Stoic, Sycophantic! Aliens, Zebras!

Jonathan’s profile is over flowing with modest grades in English, poor verbal test scores. He has never read a book that was not assigned and has overlooked many books that were. His most articulate replies in the classroom are mono-syllabic grunts, yet Jonathan’s college admissions essays are replete with “plethoras,”

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Save the LIfe of My Child. Part Two.

In our last installment, Jackson was tied to the railroad tracks and the train was a’ comin’. His mustachioed teacher had told him to learn the names of the 67 counties in Florida or he was going to lose the farm and miss recess. “Sit down, shut up, and do

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Save the LIfe of My Child. Part One.

When Jackson’s parents came to me asking “Is our child ADD?” my first instinct was to look at Jackson’s curriculum rather than at his behavior. What Jackson is supposed to be learning and how he is supposed to be learning it may have more to do with how he is

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How the Story Changes

FALSTAFF I have peppered two of them; two I am sure I have paid, two rogues in buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell thee a lie, spit in my face, Four rogues in buckram let drive at me– PRINCE HENRY What, four? thou saidst but two

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Her marriage is stifling, her husband an unfeeling clod. He is as insensitive to her needs as he is oblivious to her desires. In the months since they have been physically intimate, she feels herself growing ever more distant from the man whom she refers to as “that feckless boob.”

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There’s this wooded area behind the park down the street from our house. A couple of years ago, my 14 year-old daughter wanted to play there with her friends. Is she crazy? Anything could happen: There could be a beer bottle in the woods there. You never know. The beer

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Oh, You Shouldn’t Have.

No list of “The Greatest Movies of All Time” is complete without including Orson Wells’s 1940 tour de force, “Citizen Kane.” The following dialog seems to predict conversations in my office 71 years after the film was produced: KANE As far as you’re concerned, Susan, I’ve never wanted anything –

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]