David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

The Muck Stops Here

Remember reading about those brutally mistreated Chinese girls of not so many generations ago whose feet were bound with strong straps? For reasons that may not even have been clear at the time, fathers felt that petite feet were attractive or indicative of a social class where the girls didn’t

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The Long and Winding Road

Look, nobody is saying that Dorothy had it easy. She had to go a long way round to get back to where she belonged, right? Munchkins, poppies, green horses, were just the beginning. Then that annoying scarecrow telling her to go “both ways”? And don’t even get me started about

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Running On

Okay, so I had a little come apart in the Miami marathon in February. Stuff happens. And maybe I should have known better. In retrospect, I guess the clues were fairly abundant. The pasty-looking guy sprawled on the asphalt at Mile 11 might have said something had he not been

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Leaf Me Alone

After mowing the lawn this past Saturday, I discerned that there was yet more yard work to be done at Altshuler Plaza (“where living is a way of life”). Noting that leaves do not typically jump into trash bags on their own, I mentioned to my youngest that perhaps she

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Safe at Home

Dr. Val’s question slammed me. My talk at Books & Books in Coral Gables last Friday had been progressing smoothly. I was humbled that over a hundred people had taken time out of their full days to come and hear me speak about my new book, Raising Healthy Kids in

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Love the One You’re With (That Would Be You)

Can you even imagine anything worse than your annoying job? You know the one I mean. That job you go to every single, stupid day with the insensitive boss and the inept subordinates. The job that requires you to bring work home to finish at night and on the weekends,

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The University of Pennsylvania accepted 3551 students this year out of 35,788 applicants. The ratio, of about 9.9%, is simple to explain arithmetically-one kid in ten got admitted-harder to process emotionally if you are one of the nine who was not. If your family member got the “we’re sorry; there

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Refer Madness?

When a poor child is abused, the neighbors hear about it; the walls are thin, the community small. When a wealthy child is abused, the neighbors don’t know because their houses are too far apart. There are those who suggest that there is a qualitative difference between the kind of

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Driven Kids

Every day during Spring Break, Victor painted lines on the athletic field and changed air conditioner filters at his school. Then he painted a potting shed and two dugouts before moving on to paint a fence around the perimeter of the institution. Although Victor–at age 16–was not a member of

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Hark! I Hear the Canons Roar!

After years of kicking around auditions and struggling to survive waiting tables, Oscar gets his big break. It’s a small part admittedly-actually only one line-but for the first time, he has the chance to act in a real show. On Broadway, no less. Oscar attends every rehearsal and practices his

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]