David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Mine, Mine, Mine!

You know the guy I’m talking about. If you have ever driven a car in Miami, you have seen this guy repeatedly. He is swerving in and out of traffic, changing lanes without using his turn signal. On a given day, rather than wait, he will abandon the main arteries,

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Horrible, Horrible, Horrible

“That’s horrible,” Janet interrupted. “What’s the point of having children if you’re just going to send them away to boarding school?” Lynn, who had been talking about attending boarding school as a child fell silent as Janet continued: “I would never send my kids to boarding school.” It was clear

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What is a Diver’s Dream?

I am determined to seduce and marry Veronica Lake. Hear me out. She is beautiful, a movie star, and has a lot of money. I just know our lives together will be exquisite. Admittedly, she doesn’t know I’m alive nor is she aware of my undying passion or my plan

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Hidden Agenda

Paul returns to the off-campus apartment he shares with Nick who is, once again, slouched over the couch watching skate-boarding videos on their big screen while playing “Call of Duty” on his iPad. Paul notices, beyond the pile of empty pizza boxes and discarded beer cans, a three-foot pile of

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And the One that Mother Gives You

I am not a medical professional nor do I play one on TV. I do not have a degree in psychiatry. Although I am a frequent blood donor, I still look away when the needle goes in my arm and I get queasy when my wife watches ER reruns. In

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I Am Spartacus

The glorious slave rebellion has been thoroughly and horribly defeated. The Roman conquerors personified by the corrupt senator Marcus Licinius Crassus (impeccably portrayed by Laurence Olivier) want to send a message to future generations of slaves that will last a thousand years. They intend to nail the leader of the

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Where You Sit Determines What You See

A respected colleague makes the case for allowing kids to play video games. Not only do they enhance hand-eye coordination, but gaming is also the new form of reading, he suggests. Decrying video games because some are a waste of time is equivalent to throwing out all novels because Sweet

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A new client introduced me to his daughter yesterday. Anna had been acting out at home, refusing to do assigned worksheets, not listening to her parents, and being as disrespectful as an adorable, gap-toothed eight-year-old child could be. “What can we do to get her to obey?” “How can we

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Change the Recording

Where does negative self-talk come from? We’ve all gotten the same memo. You know the one I mean, the one that says: “You can’t do it; you’re not good enough.” Where could a message this debilitating possibly come from? A man whom I respected spoke over the years of how

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Can’t We Agree to Agree

Over breakfast recently, I mentioned in an overtly casually-pass the toast-sort of tone that I needed to travel to Northern Virginia to look at boarding schools. “Where’s the marathon?” my long-suffering wife responded instantly. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied. “Ethical independent consultants have to

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]