David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Learning Differences

Tarzan and Me

Tenderly Kala nursed her little waif, wondering silently why it did not gain strength and agility as did the little apes of other mothers. It was nearly a year from the time the little fellow came into her possession before he would walk alone, and as for climbing—my but how

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Save the LIfe of My Child. Part One.

When Jackson’s parents came to me asking “Is our child ADD?” my first instinct was to look at Jackson’s curriculum rather than at his behavior. What Jackson is supposed to be learning and how he is supposed to be learning it may have more to do with how he is

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What is Wrong with My Wife?

On a recent trip to the North East, my wife and I discovered what we termed “The Law of Two.” There are two kinds of luggage on flights out of Miami: carry-on and lost. There are two kinds of GPS devices: those that work and those in our car. There

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Albert! Put Down that Violin!

Deborah, a gifted attorney, effortlessly writes brilliant, air tight, appellate briefs. But ask her to speak in front of people in or out of the courtroom and she’s so nervous that she can’t sleep for days beforehand and wants to take Valium. Anthony, a surgeon, was picked last for team

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Lori’s Brain

I now devote myself full time to helping children and their families choose and apply to colleges and working with troubled teens. But for 20 years I ran a tutoring and test prep shop. My friends and I, most of whom I met in graduate school, would help students prepare

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Take Them at Their Word

“The play begins at two o’clock,” I told my literature class. “This information is so important that I have included it on this quiz that I am about to hand out.” Thirty students nodded their heads appreciatively. “The first question on the quiz is, ‘What time does the play start?’

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The Ballad of John and Yoko

My buddy, Pete, can play any song he’s ever heard. We call him the human juke box. From “Little Old Lady from Passadena” to “Lady Madonna,” from “Maybelline” to “Layla,” he knows them all. And not just 60s songs either. He knows every jazz song he’s ever heard and every

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Good Students

Good students are such a joy. I still remember my good students from the Carter Administration. Seriously. (Seriously I remember my good students. I’m not certain they were involved in policy making decisions in the late 70s.) Bright, eager, articulate, pleasant. They did homework, scored well on evaluations, contributed to

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The Scarlett Ibis School of Parenting

Tami still hadn’t taken a step at 24 months. Because her mother carried her everywhere? Because her mother “enabled” Tami in her “addiction” to being enveloped in her mother’s arms? “How will she learn to walk if you just carry her everywhere?” helpful strangers suggested. “Put the baby down and

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How many times have I told him to just have a Milky Way Bar? Just one lousy candy bar. It’s not like I’m asking for the world. Why won’t my son just have some chocolate? Yes, it’s something of an emotionally laden issue for me. I admit it. See, my

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]