David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Learning Differences


One of my running buddies also has the pleasure of living with a precocious seven-year-old. Liam is articulate, innovative, and unapologetic about his disdain for addition. Specifically, Liam does not care for addition worksheets. He does not like pages of problems like 89 + 27. Last year he did not

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How does he know he’s gay? He never dated any girls in high school. Hmm. Maybe the reason he never dated any girls in high school is because he’s gay. Imagine spending your whole life pretending to be that which you are not. It’s the same for cognitive ability. Envision

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I’m not saying that I am any good at my job. I’m not saying that I do good work with spectrummy kids. But if in fact I am able to do a good job with kiddos on the spectrum, it’s because I “get it.” I connect with spectrummy kids because,

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That Explains It!

It starts with a glance followed by a whisper in a supermarket. Why is that child so fussy? Why doesn’t his mother just tell him ‘no’? “No, you cannot push over that stack of canned peaches.” “No, you cannot keep poking that stranger on the arm.” “No, you cannot climb

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Early Decision

For some time now, I have been trying to figure out why people stop me on the street to tell me that their children have been admitted to highly selective colleges. Yes, I have been an independent college admissions counselor for 30-something years. But no, I don’t have a neon

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This Brain Is Your Brain

Vizzini and Fezzik guard the Princess Bride in the bow of the ship. Inigo, standing in the stern, watches intently as the Dread Pirate Roberts’s vessel, silhouetted against the full moon, draws closer and closer. “Inconceivable!” Says Vizzini. “You keep using that word,” replies Inigo. “I do not think it

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Right and Wrong

As devoted readers of these columns will attest, sunshine, lollipops and unicorns have nothing on my opinion of a father-daughter hike on a crisp fall day where the twigs pop under your sneakers, the stream runs cold over the stones, and the panoramic view from the top of the mountain

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When Will They Ever Learn?

1)     “Turn left at the third light pole before the church that burned down where Lee Ann’s grandfather got married that first time.” 2)     “Take half the coefficient of the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides.” What do these directives have in common? That not everyone

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“Good Morning!” “Hey, Stupid!” “I Love You!”

Any communication can be misinterpreted. Even the simplest of greetings can be processed in multiple ways. “Good morning” can be non-committal, inviting, or threatening. “Good morning” can be heard as an invitation to conversation or as a dismissive end to one. For an example of the contemptuous salutation look no

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If at First You Don’t Succeed…

What no one acknowledges-parents, teachers, administrators, elected officials-is what every high school student already knows. The great unspoken, tacit agreement throughout our culture in general and our schools in particular, is that every student can learn every subject at the same level of proficiency. The reality is that in our

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]