David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: College Admissions

Dress Code

One of my running buddies has a 16-year-old daughter, a lovely young woman. Not surprisingly, Andrea has become as articulate as she is opinionated. While she has adopted many of her father’s beliefs, they disagree about a fundamental issue—appropriate attire.   Andrea feels strongly that she should wear whatever she

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Enough is Enough Test

Enough is Enough     This column will be just as helpful without the joke–equal parts old, offensive, and terrible–in the following paragraph:   Having fasted for three days waiting in the snow, the woman is told by the disciples that she may finally speak to the great guru whom

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“Push button to walk across street.” What could be more clear? Res ipsa loquitor. Latin for “duh.” The thing speaks for itself. What other possible interpretation could there be? You push the button; the light turns red; the traffic stops. You walk across the street. What else is there to

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Thought Experiment

Edwin Hubble, of the eponymous telescope, is showing the Einsteins around the facility. Mt. Palomar is an impressive place: the largest telescope on the planet, a hundred physicists, unlimited funding, the best of the best. Hubble says, “here is where we push back the frontiers of human knowledge. We are

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“More counseling needed on college campuses” proclaims a recent Time Magazine piece.  “Depression at record levels.” Academic pressure is cited as a cause of the overwhelming burden on scarce resources.    A student is depicted. Her schedule includes premed courses, collegiate soccer, and a full social life. The article does not specifically

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Superhero A beat up copy of Action Comics Number 1 sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars–if you can find one for sale. In near mint condition, the price is something over three million dollars. A pristine copy of Amazing Fantasy number 15 can be yours for “only” one million.

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Everyone is a Winner

On the most recent edition of the Grammys, one of the speakers made a heartfelt acceptance speech. She mentioned her disadvantaged background. She talked about how hard she had worked and how grateful she was for her success, her award, and her adulation. Both the speaker and the audience were

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Why does my colleague insist that every college application be submitted from her office? Is there something special about her school’s location? Why can’t the children submit the applications from their homes? Why is my colleague vehement that the applications be submitted in her office under her watchful eye? She’s

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Write or Wrong

I never thought I wrote well. This is not false modesty. Nor am I looking for complements. I never thought I wrote well because, to be perfectly honest, I did not. In the time capsule that doubles as my office closet, I recently unearthed 40-something year old correspondence from my

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The Rest of the Story

If you think no one cares about you, try missing a car payment. If you think no one knows you’re alive, see what happens if you overlook your mortgage. Similarly, if you think that homework is about mastery of academic material, just neglect to turn in an assignment. Because homework is

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]