David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

The Scarlett Ibis School of Parenting

Tami still hadn’t taken a step at 24 months. Because her mother carried her everywhere? Because her mother “enabled” Tami in her “addiction” to being enveloped in her mother’s arms? “How will she learn to walk if you just carry her everywhere?” helpful strangers suggested. “Put the baby down and

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Fault Lines

Blaming gives me great comfort. If Mickey Owen hadn’t dropped the third strike in the fourth game of the 1941 World Series… If I had bought AOL in 1992… If I had sold AOL in 2000… If Lee Harvey Oswald hadn’t shot JFK in 1963… And those Hatfields and McCoys.

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Where Did I Go Wrong?

I’m at my wit’s end about my son. I can’t even begin to tell you how bad it’s gotten. He’s 17 now, but I’ve been having trouble with Andres since the day he turned two years old. He just won’t do anything I tell him, even the simplest little suggestions,

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How many times have I told him to just have a Milky Way Bar? Just one lousy candy bar. It’s not like I’m asking for the world. Why won’t my son just have some chocolate? Yes, it’s something of an emotionally laden issue for me. I admit it. See, my

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Recently another parenting article found its way into print by the next in a line of namby pamby, touchy feely, peace, love, ten-speed, hearts and flowers, knitting granola, Whimpasaurus moms. Amy Chua argues for no sleepovers. Of course sensible parents who want what is best for their children do not

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The Enemy

My dad was born in Philadelphia in 1924. At home. Hospitals for delivering babies were a new concept and didn’t cater to poor families of new immigrants. When my dad was a few months shy of his sixth birthday, his father–after whom I am named–was murdered. It wasn’t until I

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A student is caught texting during an exam, a clear violation of the honor code at her high school. The teacher looks at the student’s phone. Who is on the other side of the conversation? Who is supplying the answers to the test? Another ethically challenged student? No. The answers

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Holiday Gifts

As a grandmother enjoys a sunny day at the beach with her five year-old grandson, the sky darkens and an enormous wave comes out of nowhere washing the child out to sea. Hysterical with fear the grandmother frantically shouts to the lifeguard who is already sprinting toward the ocean. Fighting

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The Dollar Auction

“The Dollar Auction game: a paradox in noncooperative behavior and escalation” was published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution in March of 1971. Martin Shubik is the author. Here’s how it works: The auctioneer says, “I’m going to give a dollar to the highest bidder, just like a regular auction.

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Dumb or Easy Versus Smart or Tough

My students, when telling me about classes in which they’ve done well, frequently say, “But that class was easy.” Interestingly, more young women than young men suggest that they’ve done well academically only because their classes weren’t that challenging. I don’t think these 11th grade girls are being falsely modest.

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]