David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

What Do You Want?

Warning: some content may not be appropriate for younger readers. At two o’clock in the morning at a fraternity party, a senior tells a first year student that he has been attracted to her for the entire semester but has never spoken to her until now. He alternates encouraging her

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Learning to Read, Reading to Learn

Which child do you think is more likely to become a lifelong learner and love reading until the day he heads up to that big bookstore in the sky? a)  the child for whom reading is an unending series of tedious worksheets followed by vacuous questions or the form “Which of

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The Greatest Teacher of All

Recently a number of my gentle readers including some number of my own children have made the wildly unsettling allegation that this author’s advice to parents trying to raise healthy children in our toxic world can be summed up by the phrase “take the kids camping.” Surely, there is more to

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Go Outside and Play

Surely a case could be made for Muhammad Ali, Babe Ruth, Jesse Owens, Wayne Gretzky, Jack Nicklaus, or Michael Jordan as the greatest male athlete of the 20th century. But no vociferous barfly could overlook Jim Thorpe without being asked to step outside and settle the issue. Olympic gold medalist in the pentathlon and decathlon, professional football,

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Pay Up

Another of my middle aged, balding, paunchy buddies was getting along fine with his girlfriend, getting serious after two years of dating. They were chatting amicably about which caterer to use, making lists of which old friends to invite to the ceremony. Since they were both divorced with grown kids,

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All Kinds of Fun

Let’s ignore fun now and fun later.  Catching that big bass with your grandchild at that sparkling, secluded spot on that perfect fall day was exquisite at the time and only gets better with each re-telling. “Say the part again about how the fishing pole almost broke, Papa. Tell about

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It’s Not You, It’s Them

It would be hard to overstate the carnage resulting from the Corvette drag racing down US 1 at over 100 miles per hour slashing through the Chevette turning left on 17th Avenue. Drivers coming upon the destruction assumed that the fire fighters had cut the Chevette in two in order to

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Objects at Rest

Whether or not Isaac Newton ever met your Aunt Millie from Topeka is an open question to be debated by historical scholars with more sophisticated research tools than those available to this poor author. Newton was born in 1643. Wasn’t that the year in which your mom’s sister was graduated

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The Expanded Smoking Section

Not the least of the problems with the “smoking section” in airplanes was that the smoke did not pay attention and remain behind row 16 as instructed. As has often been remarked, there is just no talking to some people. The carcinogens in the cigarette smoke did not behave. And

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Villagers rush to the side of a man with an arrow in his heart who lies bleeding and gasping on a dusty path. “Who shot him?” inquires the first man to arrive at the shaking body. “Do you think there was an argument?” asks the second. “Of course there must

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]