David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Parenting

Get in the Car

My colleague, Clark, has a residual skill left over from his years of using alcohol. Clean and sober for 29 years, he can still walk into any bar in any city and by the time his eyes have adjusted to the dim light, he can point to which people are

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No Comment

If the difference between “friend from work“ and “real friend” is whether or not you’ve shared a meal at home, Wayne and Merri are the real deal. The three of us met professionally forever ago and have been personal friends since I can’t even remember. Wayne and I have spent many

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Love vs Hate

I spoke yesterday with the guardian ad litem of a 13-year-old. Only child. (The 13-year-old that is; I didn’t ask if the GAL has siblings.) Out of control. Angry, depressed, acting out. Stealing beer. Vaping pot. Lying. School refusal. School failure. Doesn’t leave his room or do chores. Becomes verbally

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It’s one thing to say, “I will be there for you.” Holding your six-year-old son‘s arm as he negotiates a tricky series of boulders conveys the message more emphatically. “I got you” is in real time. As you walk along these little rocks and negotiate those ginormous ones, I am right

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Awesome children! Guaranteed!

What if there were one simple solution to all of your parenting problems? What if there were one guaranteed, money back, straightforward, infallible answer? What if by following an effortless formula, you were assured of being happy with your children and your children were guaranteed to be successful, top of

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Some gentle readers have suggested that my views of idyllic 19th century family life are egregiously misguided. “You write about families playing cards,” my detractors point out. “You don’t write about farms being foreclosed.” Hmm. “You opine about parents sharing heart-warming stories. You don’t mention siblings sharing dysentery.” My critics

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At the risk of making a tasteless personal revelation, I am going to disclose that: I have a tough time learning language. My linguistic ability is modest; my motivation more so. In theory, in would be awesome to be able to communicate in Spanish. In practice, my brain bursts into

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On our morning perambulation, Langley and I could not help but notice three ginormous trucks and a dozen scurrying workmen. Closer inspection revealed tee-shirts emblazoned with the FPL logo. “Good morning” I shouted above the clamor of screaming vehicles. “Good morning,” responded several of the electricians who were not in

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For Sale

One of my running buddies is going through a rough patch. Sharon lost her mom a few months ago. They weren’t that close, but they were communicating better than they had been for years. Still, there was a great deal that they needed to say to one another before Sharon’s

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You’re Ugly and your Mother Dresses you Funny

For the purposes of this essay, allow that everyone has some good qualities. And some that are not so attractive. Pretend further, that you are dating a person who focuses only on your imperfections. “You smell like a bag of farts,” your partner begins. “Your car stinks; you stink; you

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]