David Altshuler, M.S.
(305) 978-8917 | [email protected]

Category: Learning Differences

A, B, C, Easy as 1, 2, 3

Don’t get me wrong. I’m crazy about the athletic trainers in my gym. I can’t imagine a more committed, supportive bunch of folks. From what I can tell they are sufficiently knowledgeable about kinesiology, physiology and a host of other arcane topics. They could explain anatomy, training, circulation, nutrition or

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I find it hard to relate to Superman. By definition, after all, he is a man. His powers—flight, x-ray vision, impenetrable body—are totally cool, but not those you’d expect to find particularly useful if you weren’t making Metropolis safe from diabolical types. Superman can do anything, has no limits, can

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Order Up

Gotta pay dues if you want to sing the blues suggested Ringo. And while I am hesitant to argue with one of the Fab Four, I have to imagine that there may be some blues singers somewhere who had a cushy go of it. Similarly, what about subtraction. It certainly

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Here’s a terrifying scenario. Worse than the scariest of Rod Sterling’s Twilight Zone episodes. Network television may show helicopters exploding and Bay Watch reruns but no programming would include something as horrific as the following: Imagine living in a home without a front door. Cycles of frigid temperatures, dust, and

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Ai! Se cayo!

My first abortive foray into learning Spanish was in elementary school. “He’s falling! He’s falling! Ai! He fell!” (Se cae! Se cae! Ai! Se cayo!) is all I remember from many years of instruction. Never one to give up easily, I am picking up the trail something over half a

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The Last Step

Daren wasn’t a bad kid. Admittedly, he had slept in and missed a few classes, played some tennis, gotten mostly Cs in his first semester. He had pledged a fraternity, drank a few beers. His parents were supportive, to a point. But a D in “Introduction to Sociology” second semester allowed

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Dog Days

As the above photo will attest, our 30-something pound Terrier mix is completely at home crossing an 8-inch wide “bridge“ over a creek. Would the three-foot drop bother him were he to lose his footing? We will never know. Langley walks across those boards like he was born there. He

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Your Pain or Mine?

I’m fond of my dentist, a close personal friend of many years, a skilled and ethical professional. But just as McCoy opined, “I’m a doctor, Jim, not a bricklayer,” there’s only so much even the most competent practitioner can accomplish. My friend is a dentist, not a magician. When the

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Running Behind

One of our running buddies has a developmentally delayed daughter. Amanda is 17 years old and while she can shower, brush her teeth, and dress herself, there is little likelihood that she will ever read beyond a second grade level. Her cognitive impairments are evident after even a brief conversation

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No Comment

If the difference between “friend from work“ and “real friend” is whether or not you’ve shared a meal at home, Wayne and Merri are the real deal. The three of us met professionally forever ago and have been personal friends since I can’t even remember. Wayne and I have spent many

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Copyright © David Altshuler 1980 – 2024    |    Miami, FL • Charlotte, NC     |    (305) 978-8917    |    [email protected]